Thursday, October 29, 2015

Christ as Sol

Christ as Sol
Late third century
Christ in the guise of Sol Invictus
The invincible sun drives his chariot across the heavens


Santa Sabina, Rome
Ca 432
Original carved wood doors


Baptistery, Ravenna
Early Christian mosaic

Woman sacrificing at altar

Woman sacrificing at altar 
Ivory plaque
Carried on classical artistic style 
Produced in Rome around 400

Miracle of Loaves and Fishes

Miracle of Loaves and Fishes
Mosaic from top register of the nave wall
Above clerestory windows
Ca 504
Ravenna, Italy
With his extended arms he directs his disciples to distribute to crowd the supply of bread and fish he has produced 

Santa Sabina

Interior of Santa Sabina
Rome, Italy
Looking northeast
Illuminated by clerestory windows
Corinthian columns

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 
Rome, Italy
Junius Bassus was baptized into Christianity just before his death in 359

Christian Community House

Restored cutaway view of the Christian Community House
Looking southwest
Dura-Europos, Syria
240-256 ca
1) former courtyard of private house 
2) meeting hall
3) baptistery 
Could accommodate only about 70 people 

Christ Seated

Christ Seated
350-375 ca
Early Christian sculpture
Traditional value of Greco-Roman world

Santa Costanza

Interior of Santa Coatanza
Looking southwest 
Rome, Italy
337-351 ca 
Later became a church 
It's central plan became preferred form for Byzantine churches


Seated portrait of Greek poet Menander
Detail of 4th style mural painting
House of Menander, Pompey
62-79 CE
Most famous portrait
"the first to write New Comedy" 


Pompey the Great 
55-50 BCE
Likened himself to Alexander the Great

Mummy portrait

Mummy portrait of priest Serapis
Hawara, Egypt
140-160 CE
Encaustic on wood 
Curly hair and beard closely emulate the Antonine fashion in Rome

Markets of Trajan

Markets of Trajan
Rome, Italy
100-112 CE
Looking northeast
On the Quirinal Hill overlooking forum
Housed shops and administrative offices
Concrete made possible natural slope into multilevel complex


Portrait bust of Livia
Arsinoe, Egypt
Early first century 
Derive from images of Greek goddesses 
Never aged in her portraits 

Second Style

Second Style
From Villa of Livia
Primaporta, Italy
30-20 BCE 

Arch of Constantine

Arch of Constantine 
Rome, Italy
312-315 CE
Decoration of arch came from monuments of Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius
Arch was largest erected in Rome since end of Second Dynasty 

Procession of the Imperial Family

Procession of the Imperial Family
Ara Pacis Agustae
Rome, Italy
Important dignitaries 

Baths of Diocletian

Baths of Diocletian
Rome, Italy
Remodeled by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Gives idea of the lavish adornment of imperial Roman baths
298-306 ca 

Temple of Venus

Plan and restored view of the Temple of Venus
Baalbek, Lebanon
Third Century
Made of stone
Critique of the concrete Pantheon


Petra, Jordan
Second Century
The "Treasury"
Cut into the sheer rock faces of the local rose-colored mountains 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Tumuli in the Banditaccia 
Cerveteri, Italy
7th-2nd centuries BCE 
Etruscans buried several generations of families in multichambered Rock-cut underground tombs covered by great earthen mounds (Tumuli)

Sarcophagus with reclining couple

Sarcophagus with reclining couple 
Cerveteri, Italy
520 BCE
Painted terracotta 
Comes from a tomb, contained ashes of husband or wife, or both 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Aerial view of the Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo
One of the most ambitious projects of the Hellenistic period 
Didyma, Turkey
Begun 300 BCE
Replaced the Archaic temple at the site the Persians burned in 494 BCE 
2 Architects: Paionios of Ephesos and Daphnis of Miletos
Work continued off and on for 500 years and was still never completed


Caryatids of the south porch of the Erechtheoin
Acropolis, Athens, Greece
421-405 BCE
plaster casts of marble statues
Erechtheoin's most striking and famous feature is the south porch where the architect replaced ionic columns with caryatids

3 Goddesses

3 Goddesses
Hestia, Dione, Aphrodite
From east Prediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece
438-432 BCE

Athena Parthenos

Athena Parthenos
In the cella of the Parthenon 
Acropolis, Athens, Greece
438 BCE
Model of the lost chryselephantine statue 
38 ft tall
Depicting the battle of the Greeks and Amazons 

Temple of Zeus

Chariot race of Pelops and Oinomaos
East Prediment
Temple of Zeus
Olympia, Greece
470-456 BCE
Chariot race from Olympia to Corinth
Telling a story 

Guillaume-Abel Blouet

Guillaume-Abel Blouet
Restored view 1828
500-490 BCE
Restored view suggests how colorful Greek temples were 
Filled both prediments, in contrast to the high reliefs characteristic of most Archaic temple prediments 

Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game

Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game 
540-530 BCE
Vulci, Italy
Found in Etruscan tomb


600 BCE
From Attica, possibly Anavysos, Greece
One of the earliest Greek examples of life size statuary
Emulates the stance of Egyptian statues
Funerary function; stood over a grave in the countryside of Attica
Replaced vases of Geometric times as the preferred grave marker 

Corinthian Amphora

Corinthian Amphora
Typifies the new Greek fascination with the Orient 
625-600 BCE 
Recalling the organization of bands recalling the organization of Geometeic painted vases, animals such as the native boar appear beside exotic lions and Panthers and composite creatures inspired by Eastern monsters 

Tomb of the Triclinium

Tomb of the Triclinium
480-470 BCE
Landscape is a few trees and shrubs placed between the figures and behind the banqueting couches 
Natural environment was the painter's chief interest
Etruscan painter 

Engraved bronze mirrors

Engraved bronze mirrors
Popular gifts for both living and dead
400-375 BCE
Chalchas examining a liver 
Artist: Novios Plautios
Workshop in Rome 

Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai and Arnth Tetnies

Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai and Arnth Tetnies
350-300 BCE
Later Etruscan sarcophagi

Porta Marzia

Porta Marzia
Perugia, Italy
2nd century BCE
One of the gates in Perugia's walls 
In the 3rd century BCE the Etruscans of Perugia formed an alliance with Rome and were spared the destruction that Veii, Cervereri, and other Etruscan cities suffered. This is one of the walls that still stands 

Interior of the tomb of the Shields and Chairs

Interior of the tomb of the Shields and Chairs
Cerveteri, Italy
550-500 BCE
Terracotta statues of the deceased probably "sat" in the chairs cut out of the bedrock 


From the roof of the Portonaccio temple
Veii, Italy
510-500 BCE
Part of a group depicting a Greek myth 
Painted terracotta
Displays the energy and excitement that characterize Archaic Etruscan art 

Model of a typical Etruscan Temple

Model of a typical Etruscan temple
6th Century BCE
Model based off of Vitruvius's account
Front of building made of stone
Columns of Etruscan temples were usually always in front
Wood columns 
Tile-covered timber roof
Walls are sun-dried mud brick 

Gold Fibula

Gold Fibula
Found in Regolini- Galassi's tomb
650-640 BCE 
Cerveteri, Italy
Work of an Etruscan artist 
The 5 lions striding across its surface are motifs originating in the Orient 

Capitoline Wolf

Capitoline Wolf
Rome, Italy
500-480 BCE
Best-known Etruscan statue of the classical period
One of the most memorable portrayals of an animal in the history of art 
According to the legend, this is the she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus when they were abandoned as infants 

Aule Metele

Aule Metele (Arringatore)
Cortona, Italy
Early 1st Century BCE
Produced for an Etruscan patron
Portraying the magistrate Aule Metele raising his arm to address an assembly 

Achilles killing Penthesilea

Achilles killing Penthesilea (Queen of the Amazons)
540-530 BCE
Made by an Athenian named Exekias
Achilles was the mightiest Greek soldier in the war against Troy
Found in an Etruscan tomb at Vulci which Exekias signed as both painter and potter

Dying Gaul

Epigonos, Dying Gaul
Roman copy of a bronze statue
3rd Gaul from group
230-220 BCE
Barbarian with bushy hair, mustaches, and neck bands who were noble foes who fought to their death
Gaul who collapses on his large oval shield as blood pours from the gash in his chest
Victory of Attalos I
Museo Capitolino, Rome

Tomb of the Diver

Tomb of the Diver
480-470 BCE
Cover slab of the Tomb of the Diver
Paestum, Italy
Scene most likely symbolizes the plunge from this life to the next
Covering the 4 walls of small, coffin-like tomb

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Was made to replace the Archaic Temple that the Persians had destroyed
Acropolis, Athens, Greece
421-405 BCE
Multiple shrine

Kritios Boy

Kritios Boy
From Acropolis, Athens, Greece
480 BCE
First statue to show how a person naturally stands

Geometric Krater

Marked the grave of a man buried around 740 BCE in the Dipylon cemetery of Athens
Athens, Greece
Testaments to both the potter's skill and to the wealth and position of the deceased family in the community 

François Vase

François Vase
Named after the excavator who discovered it 
Found in hundreds of pieces in an Etruscan tomb at Chiusi, Italy
570 BCE
Greek mythology focusing on the exploits of Peleus and his son Achilles
Battle between the Lapiths and centaurs after a wedding celebration at which the man-beasts got drunk and attempted to abduct the Lapith maidens and young boys 

Peplos Kore

Peplos Kore
From Acropolis, Athens, Greece
530 BCE
She is wearing 4 different garments, 1 of which only goddesses wore